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6 Health Benefits of Coconut Water You Didn’t Know About

Coconut water is the ultimate thirst quencher and offers a tasty alternative to water. It has many health benefits that include weight loss, increased energy levels, improved digestion and more. Read on for some coconut water benefits.

1) Weight Loss: One cup contains only 10 calories but it also provides you with an abundance of electrolytes which are essential in maintaining your body's fluid balance. This makes coconut water perfect for those who want to lose weight without feeling hungry or thirsty all day long. In fact, one study found that drinking two cups of this refreshing beverage before meals can reduce calorie intake by up to 20% while increasing satiety. The best part? Drinking coconut water will not cause any bloating like other low-calorie drinks such as diet sodas do.

2) Energy Boosters: When we exercise our muscles need nutrients to recover so they don't become sore. However, if we don't eat enough carbohydrates during workouts, then our bodies won't be able to produce glycogen. That means we'll have less energy throughout the workout and afterwards when we're trying to get back into shape. Fortunately, coconut water helps replenish muscle cells after intense physical activity since it's packed full of potassium, magnesium and sodium. These minerals help restore blood flow to working muscles and prevent cramps from forming. They also promote healthy heart function.

3) Immune System Support: Coconut water is rich in antioxidants called lauric acid which boosts immunity. A recent study showed that people who drank three glasses of coconut water daily were significantly better at fighting off colds than those who didn't drink them. Another study found that regular consumption of coconut water helped protect against bacterial infections. So next time you feel under the weather, reach for a glass instead of soda pop.

4) Digestion Aid: If you've ever had indigestion caused by stress eating then you know how painful it can be. But did you know that coconut water actually aids digestion because it stimulates bile production and promotes peristalsis. Plus, coconut milk is often used as a natural remedy for upset stomachs due to its high fiber content.

5) Hair Care: Did you know that coconut oil was originally created as a hair conditioner? And now there are tons of products out there claiming to use coconut oil to improve hair growth. Some even claim to make your hair grow faster using just coconut oil. While these claims may sound too good to be true, research shows that coconut oil does contain fatty acids that stimulate hair follicles. Just remember to keep applying coconut oil directly onto your scalp rather than rubbing it into your hair.

6) Skin Healing: Coconut water is great for skin care because it hydrates dry areas and reduces inflammation. For example, a study published in Dermatology Online Journal revealed that coconut water reduced redness associated with acne.