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7 Signs You Need to Visit A Sexologist Right Now

There is nothing to be ashamed of if you need some help in terms of your sexual health and wellness. A sexologist can help you with all kinds of sexual issues you might be facing, and here are the signs that you need to visit one right away. 

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1. Both of you are usually not in the mood 

You might have psychological issues, hormonal changes, or pregnancy making you stay away from physical intimacy. Consider online doctor appointment booking with a sexologist. 

2. Orgasms have become less frequent

If your orgasms suddenly become hard to achieve and you find it difficult to attain the climax even after enough simulation, you should talk to a sexologist in Pune without further delay. 

3. You can’t stop thinking about sex 

If sexual thoughts are inhibiting your daily life, you need to look for a sexologist to deal with your sex addiction.  

4. You prefer masturbation over sex 

Masturbation is completely normal. But if you only want to do it with yourself, rather than with your partner, it would be wise to get an online doctor appointment booking. 

5. Your body refuses to cooperate during sex 

Issues related to vaginal dryness, erectile dysfunction, and painful sex can cause embarrassment and dissatisfaction for both the partners. 

6. You are unsure of the sexual identity 

You might start questioning your sexual identity at any stage of your life. It helps to talk to a sexologist if you have questions regarding your sexual orientation. 

7. Your preferences don’t match 

You and your partner might have different sexual kinks. You can consider talking to a sexologist in Pune to find a common ground. 

So, if you have been noticing any of the seven signs mentioned above, get in touch with a sexologist right away. Do not suffer in silence anymore.