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Yoga poses to increase height - Improving your health score

A health score is a metric used by various mobile devices to calculate the physical well-being of an individual. It takes into account the individual’s age, BMI, height and lifestyle habits. Keeping an above average health score is essential for ensuring that your body stays healthy in the long run. Yoga is an excellent way of ensuring that you maintain a good health score, as it helps regulate blood flow, keep your weight in check, and increase your height. However, some yoga poses are more beneficial than others in helping individuals to maintain a good health score. There are numerous poses through which individuals can use yoga to increase height - 

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Poses in yoga to increase height - 

Cobra pose - (Bhujangasana) - The cobra pose is a highly effective pose for using yoga to increase height, as it stretches your lumbar (which is usually challenging to try). 

Tadasana - (tree pose) - The tree pose is another important pose that can help individuals stretch their posterior side. The tree pose stretches the knee muscles, thighs, and spine, allowing individuals to grow their balance and height. 

Natarajasana - (the lying down body twist pose) - It's a beneficial pose for strengthening the abdominal muscles, which is also an effective way of yoga to increase height as it creates a strong core for the individual to work upon. 

Marjariasana - Also known as the “cat cow pose”. This pose helps in making the spine more flexible whilst also strengthening the shoulder. The pose is extremely useful in helping blood flow which further helps people with indigestion issues. 

In general, there are numerous poses that an individual can use to keep their health score in check whilst also working towards increasing their height. However, for the overall growth of all muscles, an individual can complement yoga with muscle strengthening.