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5 Skin Disease That You Need to Consult with a dermatologist in Delhi

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The skin is the largest organ in the body. But most people do not look after it accordingly. After all, they regard the skin as an external protective membrane and not a part of their body which has to be treated with care and attention. Skin diseases are on the rise that's why you need to take proper care of your skin with the best dermatologist in delhi. There are five common skin diseases:


Eczema is the most common of all skin conditions, occurring in up to 20% of all adults and 40% of children. Itchy, dry, and cracking, eczema has a major impact on quality of life.


Psoriasis is a common problem that can affect any person of any age. Learn about the different treatment options and symptoms that are most commonly associated with psoriasis.


Everyone's skin is different and incredibly complex. Yet, it's been clear for decades that the condition of this singular organ can tell us a lot about general health. Via skin-on-skin contact, acne also exposes how well we might get along with others or how music makes us feel.


What is rosacea? Rosacea is a common disorder of the facial skin, which causes redness and pimple-like sores called papules and pustules. These red bumps typically appear on the cheeks, nose, chin, or forehead. Though many people with rosacea do not have visible symptoms, some develop itchy eyes -- especially in the early morning -- and burning or stinging of the eyes. Other disorders that may resemble rosacea include sunburn, insect bites, hives, herpes, and contact dermatitis.


ichthyosis is a genetic skin disorder that's characterized by patches of dry, scaly skin. The symptoms are present at birth and vary widely in severity. People with ichthyosis can have anywhere from a few small patches of scaling skin to widespread blistering. Experts don't know what triggers ichthyosis, but believe it occurs when the genes that control the growth of skin cells malfunction.


vitiligo is not contagious and is incurable, but it can be treated in most people. treatments include intense light therapy (phototherapy), medicines, and some minor surgical procedures. all treatments work best when started as early as possible in the course of the disease. this article explains what causes vitiligo and how it affects you.


hives is a local multiplayer game set in a vibrant, colourful world. Up to four-players compete over collecting honey in the most entertaining way they can imagine. Instead of using paddle controllers you control your bee using the analogue sticks on your controller – and this is perhaps what gives hives its unique flavor. There are no power-ups or boosts. The quicker you aim and fire, the more likely you'll be able to outmaneuver your opponents.

seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis (also known as seborrhea) is a common skin condition that produces flaky, red, scaly patches. Some people refer to it as 'cradle cap' when it appears in babies and young children. The term 'seborrhea' was first coined by French dermatologist Alfred Fournier back in 1882 to describe the greasy scaling of the scalp, and seborrhea can affect all areas of the body, including your face, chest and back. Here's how to treat seborrheic dermatitis and what causes it.