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What Are the Exact Causes of Male Infertility?

Many couples face difficulty in conceiving a child. The reason could be either problems related to male infertility or female infertility. In this article, let us learn the exact causes of male infertility. Men can get the right treatment at a reasonable price if they have a Bajaj Health Card. Male fertility is based on the quality and quantity of sperm. If a man has low-quality sperm or low sperm quantity, then he may face problems with conceiving a child.

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  • Weight

Being overweight can directly impact a man’s sperm quality and quantity. It can cause hormonal changes and lead to male infertility.

  • Depression

If a male partner is going through depression, then it can lead to ejaculation problems and a lower libido level.

  • Anabolic Steroids

It can help to grow muscles but lead to shrinkage of testicles and lower the production of sperm.

  • Alcohol

Drinking alcohol can lead to a decrease in sperm quality and quantity. It may also cause erectile dysfunction.

  • Overheated Testicles

A man’s sperm production ability will be decreased if his testicles get overheated due to wearing tight underwear or pant, sitting for a long time, keeping a laptop on the lap etc.

  • Radiation

The production of sperm can also be damaged by radiations such as X-rays. It might be temporary damage, but with high radiation, the damage can be permanent.

  • Chemical Exposure

The count of sperm can be decreased due to exposure to chemicals such as lead, organic solvents, xylene, herbicides, benzenes, toluene and pesticides.

  • Intercourse Issues

There can be some problems with sexual intercourse also, which can arise from relationship, psychological or hypospadias issues. He may also not be able to have a child due to painful sex, premature ejaculation, or insufficient erection.

  • Inherited Diseases

Sometimes, men can be born with inherited diseases such as Kartagener's syndrome, cystic fibrosis, Kallmann's syndrome or Klinefelter's syndrome. 

  • Imbalance in Hormones

Some hormonal imbalances in the adrenal, thyroid, hypothalamus, or pituitary glands can cause infertility in men.

  • Tumour

The reproductive organ of men can directly get damaged by tumour or cancer. Sometimes, male fertility can be destroyed due to cancer and tumour treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.

  • Ejaculation Issues

There can be ejaculation issues where the semen can enter the bladder instead of getting ejaculated through the penis. This can cause trouble in conceiving a child. 

  • Infection

Infections like gonorrhoea, HIV, testicle swelling and other sexually transmitted diseases can destroy the health of sperm and reduce the production of sperm.

As we can see, few factors are in our control, while others are not. Men should concentrate on their diet, exercise, and healthy lifestyle. However, they cannot do much about inherited genetic disorder or other hormonal changes. They can consult a fertility specialist or sexologist in Mumbai to get the right treatment for male infertility problems.