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Early Signs of Stomach Cancer and its treatment in Kolkata

What is stomach cancer?

Stomach cancer is cancer of the stomach or duodenum. While most stomach cancers are easy to manage, those that spread to nearby areas through a blood supply can be more serious. Symptoms of stomach cancer may include mood swings, anxiety, vomiting, diarrhea, changes in appetite and weight loss. Before choosing a doctor to handle your stomach problem, here are some tips to ease the pain and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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Sign of Stomach Cancer:

1. Chances are that if you have been diagnosed with cancer, you are also aware of the symptoms--such as weight loss and an inability to eat as much as you used to. While it is true that most people who are diagnosed with cancer will start losing weight within a few months of being diagnosed, some people will continue to lose weight even after they are released from the hospital.

2.The first symptom of stomach cancer is fatigue. This is due to the hormonal changes which occur when someone has been diagnosed with the disease. Tiredness and lack of motivation are two key symptoms of stomach cancer – and if you are experiencing either of these two things it is likely that you have a condition which requires attention. There are many ways that you can tell that you have stomach cancer including: feeling unwell, having changes in your diet, weight loss or noticeable change in your skin colour.

3. A change in bowel habits can be one of the early symptoms of cancer. The changes can be subtle, especially if the cancer has struck in an obscure area of the body. But if the cancer has spread further - and has become more resistant to treatment - then changes in bowel habits can be a very reliable sign that something is seriously wrong.

4.The classic signs of stomach cancer are weight loss, an increase in acidity of the urine, fatigue, and an increase in impending burps or sneezes. If any of these occur, contact your physician immediately. Although it may seem counterintuitive at first glance, drinking more water than you are eating is actually a very good thing to do. The reason is that the stomach contains a lot of chemical factories that produce substances vital to life. When these factories are taxed in excess, they can no longer function at optimum capacity and produce unwanted byproducts which accumulate in the body and can ultimately lead to cancer.

Treatment of Stomach Cancer:

Stomach cancer is among the most dreaded cancer types. Despite proven effective therapy available for treatment, huge number of people currently face this problem in India. The cure for cancer has yet to be found and prevention measures have to be implemented with utmost care. One of the important things that can be done to reduce risk of this disease is regular check-ups by your online doctor. However, sometimes it can be difficult to locate an outpatient clinic which provides such services. Thus, following are some methods you can follow to get proper care at an early stage.

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