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Top 5 Rare Disorders Treated by a Neurologist

Neurologist is an independent licensed medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of neuro-related disorders such as stroke, cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

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List of disease which treated by the Neurologist


a serious condition that affects the nervous system and can cause a rapid growth in the size of your head. The disease can affect men and women of all ages and causes similar symptoms. The disease is easily treatable with medication, but it can be fatal in some cases. If you think you might have this condition, contact your GP as soon as possible and seek urgent medical treatment. There's no cure for headache disease, but there are treatments that can help reduce the symptoms and prevent the spread of the infection. 


There are many seizure causes, however, some medications and conditions can cause more severe and persistent symptoms. If you are currently experiencing severe limitations in your ability to move about or perform activities that used to be easy for you, consult with your physician before undertaking any sort of rehabilitation or oral medication.

Parkinson’s Disease:

If you have Parkinson’s disease (PD), your doctor may be able to recommend an online doctor. Many PD care teams now use ZoomHealth to help connect patients with doctors regardless of geography. Information about PD can also be obtained through other means, such as discussing it with your primary care provider.


Neurologist in ahmedabad offers a variety of services/facilities to the patients suffering from dementia. The aim of treatment is to provide timely disposition of affairs, help the patient take effective decisions especially in regard to healthcare related matters, long-term rehabilitation and eventual lifetime support through Social Security benefits and insurance policies of the health institutions where patient is being treated.