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Kolkata Gynecologist Tips for stay cool in summer during in pregnancy

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Pregnancy is one of the most enjoyable phases in every woman’s life. During pregnancy, some women experience a sudden increase in their body temperature. While there may be varied factors responsible for this, some of the commonest ones are body swelling, increased blood pumping activity of the heart, and a body metabolism working past time. However, with certain tips and tricks, pregnant women can manage their physical and emotional well-being more precisely –

Here’s what Gynaecologists in Kolkata has to say –

Keep your body hydrated –

No matter what the situation is, maintaining an adequate hydration level of your body should be your prime aim. With a properly hydrated body, the release of body heat is optimized through sweats cooling your skin. Pregnant women should strictly adhere to around 8 to 10 glasses of water intake on a regular basis.

Peppermint Essential Oil is must –

Mix few drops of your peppermint essential oil in your carrier oil and rub it across your shoulders and chest. This helps you in enjoying nausea relieving and invigorating effects in your strenuous days.

Keep your clothing loose and light –

Loose clothing prevents your skin from becoming swollen thereby speeding up the rate of evaporation of your sweat. This process allows your skin to cool faster and easier. Light coloured loose clothes are more preferable during pregnancy as light colours absorbs low heat thereby allowing your skin to breath freely.

Keep your window panes open at night with a mosquito repellent cover –

In case you don’t have good air conditioning system in your home, make sure to keep the panes of your window open with a good mosquito repellent net cover. Fresh air can also be pulled within by placing a fan close to the window. Remember one thing, the moment you wake next morning, make sure that you close all the window panes to trap the cool air within.

We hope, that these few tips from the gynaecologists in Kolkata will surely help you during your pregnancy days. Make sure that you get a hold of an health card online to ease your financial holdings for this important stage in your life.

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