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Suffering From Hair Fall? Here's What You Should Eat

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Having healthy hair is every person’s desire. However, many people experience hair fall due to unforeseen reasons. When it comes to hair growth, it grows only up to 1.25 cm (0.5 inches) in a month and 15 cm (6 inches) in a year. There are lots of factors for the growth rate of the hair such as food, genetics and age.

You may not be able to change some factors such as genes or age, but you can definitely control the food you eat. A diet that lacks the required nutrition can cause hair loss. You can increase the growth of hair by consuming a balanced diet. It can greatly benefit people who experience hair loss due to a low nutritional diet. You can consult a dietitian by Booking Appointment.

You may not be able to change some factors such as genes or age, but you can definitely control the food you eat. A diet that lacks the required nutrition can cause hair loss. You can increase the growth of hair by consuming a balanced diet. It can greatly benefit people who experience hair loss due to a low nutritional diet. You can consult a dietitian by booking appointment.

Here are the top foods that you should eat to increase the growth of hair:


Meat contains lots of nutrients, which can help in the growth of hair. It is rich in protein, which is very important for the strength, repairing and growth of hair. It also provides a good amount of iron, which is required for the delivery of oxygen to hair follicles.


Soybeans have a nutrient called spermidine, which can improve the active hair growth phase. You can get longer hair with an enhancement in the growth phase of hair by consuming this food for hair growth.

Soybeans have a nutrient called spermidine, which can improve the active hair growth phase. You can get longer hair with an enhancement in the growth phase of hair by consuming this food for hair growth.


Zinc is necessary for the repair and growth of hair, which is provided by beans. It also gives other important nutrients such as folate, biotin, and iron for hair.


Seeds are an excellent source of nutrients for hair growth. It provides selenium, zinc and vitamin E. Some seeds such as chia seeds and flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.


Nuts such as almonds are a good source of vitamin E for hair growth. It also offers essential fatty acids, zinc and vitamin B.


Avocado is a good source of vitamin E, which can enhance the growth of hair.


Fish, especially fatty fish, contains omega-3 fatty acids, which is proven to increase the growth of hair. It also helps in increasing the density of the hair. Fishes are also rich in vitamin B, vitamin D3, selenium and protein.


Eggs are rich in biotin and protein, which are important nutrients for the growth of hair.

The health of your hair is largely based on the type of food and nutrition you consume. Deficiency of nutrients such as Essential Fatty Acids, Protein, Biotin, Iron, B Vitamins, Zinc, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A can lead to hair loss. Consume foods rich in these nutrients to prevent hair fall.